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Powerpuff… nuff said

Apparently, in 2006 Japan and Cartoon Network created an updated Power puff Girls. Demashitaa! Powerpuff Girls Z is pretty much the same Powerpuff Girls we know and love, except for the fact that they have weapons and not necessarily super powers. Mojo-jo-jo and the gang are still in it, of course.

As to why this didn’t get to America is simple. I suppose it has to do with the fact that maybe, just maybe, American children grow up too fast. Or just because no one would want to watch Powerpuff Girls mixed with Dragon Ball Z. Honestly, I wouldn’t. There isn’t a point because they are the same type of action show.

I feel that it could have some potential, but not on American television. More than likely I’ll be watching this with my daughter soon.

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Themey weekie: WUV :*

Welcome to post one of LL’s theme week “Exploring the Human Condition through Animation”. I figured starting off with love would be appropriate for some reason, still not sure why… Either way, today we will be exploring love through Kenji Kamiyama’s Eden of the East. The story of a girl who randomly meets a naked boy holding a gun at the White House. Doesn’t seem very lovey dovey, but their relationship is actually not what I am discussing today. The idea of compassion is what I hope to convey.

Akira Takizawa, the male to the left, is pretty much participating in a game where he is given ¥10,000,000,000  and told to save Japan or die. 11 other people were given the same task. What would you do if you could do anything by simply calling someone on the phone to make it happen. The amount of freedom these members held was incredible. But Akira actually figured it out. He found a way to protect Japan. Through faith alone he forged a destined path to become the king of Japan. It says he does, but that up for discussion.

If you need to feel nice watch Eden of the East.

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